Market conditions remain extremely difficult, especially for position traders. While there should be some volatility to support shorter-term trades, we believe it is better to stay patient before putting money to work in longer-term trades. We will be posting information about our favored stocks on the message board.

As always, we will keep Shark Investing members advised of our positioning and will send special text message alerts if we intend to ramp up our buying.  

This post is for educational purposes only! This is not advice or a recommendation. We do not give investment advice. Do not act on this post. Do not buy, sell, or trade the stocks mentioned herein. We WILL actively trade this stock differently than discussed herein. We will sell into strength and will buy or sell at any time for any reason. We will actively trade into any unusual activity. At the time of this post, principals, employees, and affiliates of Shark Investing, Inc. and/or principals, clients, employees, and affiliates of Hammerhead Financial Strategies, LLC, directly or indirectly, controlled investment and/or trading accounts containing various positions.  To accommodate the objectives of these investing and/or trading accounts, the trading in these shares will be contrary to and/or inconsistent with the information contained in this posting.